Videos Q&A with a Teacher: March Livestream: Rapid fire questions, about custom learning plans & consult calls Natalie hosts a livestream answering questions about supporting your child in elementary school, teaching, and her life.
Newsletter 😰 Will my child be BULLIED for this? Recently, I've had a few consultation calls with parents of rising kindergartners. I've been asked this question by them and followers so many times I had to address it. Let's talk about summer babies...
Videos Screen time: how much is too much? Interview w/ Ash Brandin @TheGamerEducator There's a negative connotation around children and screen time. But does there have to be? This interview will reframe how you think about the way children interact with video games.
Newsletter Hack: Kids Mental Health Meets Reading When reading fiction with your child there's one reading comprehension question you should always be asking. How is the character feeling right now?
Newsletter that feeling in your gut Have you ever had that feeling in your something is wrong? Maybe it's happened with your child. You have concerns with their learning, or a teacher's advice doesn't seem to fit what you needed. That's why I started Primary Focus.
Videos Ask an Elementary School Teacher: February Q&A with Primary Focus Natalie hosts a livestream answering questions about supporting your child in elementary school, teaching, and her life.
Newsletter Homework ruins my day! Is homework time stressful? Take these tips from a teacher encourage your child to work independently, ask for help without whining, and be time efficient.
Newsletter 3 Signs your Child Needs a Tutor It's incredible the amount of support a tutor can give...but how do you know it's time to hire one?
Videos Valentine's Day Teacher Gift Guide Whether your budget is $0 or $10, Natalie has a great Valentine's Day gift for your child’s teacher or favorite school support staff member.
Newsletter February packs a punch! This Thursday begins the shortest longest month of the year for preschool and lower elementary school teachers. If this is your first year with your child in school, buckle up! There's so much going on in February!
Newsletter 5 Ways the School May be Able to Help in Your Divorce A lot of families experience divorce or separation. Most schools and teachers are well practiced in supporting students through this transition. Take advantage of all the ways the school can help you!
Newsletter If you hate writing emails, this is for you Have you ever had to write a difficult email to your child's teacher? Did it fill you with anxiety? I've got three tips for you to make writing that email go a lot smoother.
Videos Vlog: I Quit Teaching 2 Year Update 2 years ago this week I decided to resign from teaching. In that time I've had my work stolen, was mentored by Chelsea Fagan, and completely lost and found myself. I know myself better now than I ever thought I would, but only because of the challenges I faced the past two years.
Newsletter It's been 2 years since I quit... I'm taking a step away from my typical content to get a little personal today. Last week marked 2 years since I decided to resign from teaching. I'm sharing 3 Lessons I've Learned Since I Quit Teaching.
Newsletter Subtle Hints in Your Child's Report Card There's a specific style teachers use to write report cards, but you only know if you know. Learn how teachers write report card comments to look for subtle clues if your child is succeeding or...not
Videos Ask an Elementary School Teacher: January Q&A with Primary Focus Natalie hosts a livestream answering questions about supporting students with disabilities, warning signs from teachers, and if she regrets quitting teaching
Newsletter Last minute gifts for 6 year olds Need a last minute gift for a 6 year old? This list has budget friendly gifts that children this age will actually want.
Newsletter Last minute gifts for 5 year olds Need a last minute gift for a 5 year old? This list has budget friendly gifts that children this age will actually want.
Newsletter 🍾 5 things I'm leaving behind in 2023 In one of the most hectic times of year, I just want to say thank you for opening this newsletter. I really appreciate your support. 🩷 This will be my last newsletter of 2023, so I'm going to reflect a bit here...
Videos Ask an Elementary School Teacher: December Q&A with Primary Focus Natalie hosts a livestream sharing some holiday memories from the classroom and answer questions to help your kids thrive in school.
Videos Holiday Teacher Gift Guide for any budget $0-100 | Cute Christmas cards, Luxury gifts, DIY Ornaments Whether your budget is $0 or $100, Natalie has a great holiday gift for your child’s teacher or favorite school employee. From cute DIY ornament ideas to luxury gifts, there is something your child’s teacher will love.
Newsletter 🧠 🥶 Brain Freeze! Simple ways to prevent learning loss over winter break Learning loss happens to all children during long breaks from school. While summer break is the famous one, we also see it during winter breaks (or really anything 2+ weeks long). The good news is, it's a really low commitment to prevent it.
Newsletter 📓 What are reading behaviors? The very first time a kindergarten teacher meets a child, they can learn a million things just by handing their student a book... They are looking to see if your child has reading behaviors.
Videos Elf on the Shelf in Schools, Christmas Overload, and Rejecting Holiday Traditions Christmas celebrations get more extravagant and expensive each year. They say it’s all for the kids…but is it? Natalie breaks down traditions from a child development standpoint to help you understand what traditions need to stay and which ones can go.
Newsletter 3 easy, important ways to read with your children When it comes to reading with your children, there's more than one way to do it. Reading in a variety of ways supports your child's reading comprehension and road to independence. The good news is, it's simple to replicate at home...whether your child can read or not.