😴 Do kids still NAP in kindergarten?

Kindergarten is much more rigorous than it was when we were kids. Once upon a time, kids went to half day kindergarten and it looked a lot more like preschool...but has everything changed?

😴 Do kids still NAP in kindergarten?
Photo by Mike Fox / Unsplash
"We clean up and now it's time to learn"

We're Going to be Friends by The White Stripes (such a cute song for new students)

I've been doing a livestream on the Peanut App for a little over a month now. One question keeps popping up during my Q&A with a teacher...

Do kids still nap in kindergarten?

Sorry to say...no, no they don't.

Kindergarten is much more rigorous than it was when we were kids. Once upon a time, kids went to half day kindergarten and it looked a lot more like preschool. Now kids are reading, writing, and expected to complete a lot independently.

That's why I'm hosting my class this summer: Prepare your Child for Kindergarten

This course is for parents with children starting kindergarten this fall or within the next 2 years. Over 5 sessions I'll show you how to prepare them academically and socially so they will soar in school!

Find out ​more details here​...class starts June 12. You can attend live or catch the replay.

Things I Love

contains affiliate links

πŸ“š recommending again! Two weeks ago I recommended the Dragon Masters series and so many of your wrote in saying your child is obsessed. If you've been looking for a series for your child to get lost in, ​this is it!​

🎧 life hack! Last weekend I went to visit my grandparents. On the plane, I fell asleep with my air pods in, and when I woke up one had fallen out. 😰 Luckily I always use this hand strap on the plane, so my air pod was hanging around my neck and not lost forever. ​You can set 6 for $6.99!​

🧹 brilliant: When I was visiting my grandparents, I bought them a new vacuum. I found one that is lightweight (8 pounds!) and so easy to use. As I cleaned their house, I realized it was so simple...*cough* a child could do it. If you've got a kiddo ready for the next level of chores, this vacuum is ​under $60.