Summer Time Dysregulation

As a parent, how do you support your child's regular school-year routine while navigating summer fun? The answer may surprise you...

A child is splashing in a pool. His head can be seen just over the surface of the water
Sometimes summers can feel like a giant cannonball. One minute you're splashing into fun; the next it's almost over and you're trying to play school catch-up.

June has been a blur to me. I've been having the time of my life balancing my personal and professional life.

I went to Idaho for the Craft + Commerce Conference, started teaching my first course, started a new job, my cousin visited me for a week, and I went out of town for a concert. All that plus maintaining my normal life.

Now I'm home this week, looking at the first "normal week" I've had in June...and the month is almost over

I feel a little dysregulated, I feel overwhelmed by the amount of laundry I need to do, my stomach hurts from eating out so much, and I also feel sad some experiences are over.

A couple smiling at the camera, holding a candy wrapper up that says "Huckleberry Gems"
Mike and I taste testing Huckleberry Gems, a delicacy from Idaho. Watch the taste test here.

This week I'll be picking up the pieces to get back on track. It takes work, but it's easy because I've worked hard to build and maintain a manageable routine. I know the consequences of letting certain things slip. I know I work better and generally feel better when I stick to my routine.

But that's because I'm an adult. My lived experiences are on my side.

Keeping a schedule, returning to routine, and knowing what you need are adult skills... and very hard skills that most adults have to constantly work at.

Now imagine being a child that just went through the same experience. They may have a harder time bouncing back because they don't have the awareness that things have gotten off track. They'll need a lot of support from you to return to their routines.

I don't have much advice today because I know you have to fight constantly to keep your little one on a schedule. It's an uphill battle starting with the minute by minute schedule they had as a newborn and now managing their activities, schoolwork, and downtime.

So as you balance summer life, I send you empathylove, and so much patience. A lot gets put on you to balance the chaos with the monotony we all need. And even if your kiddo is crying as you force them to take a nap or fold some laundry just remember- you know best 😉