πŸ“£ teach your kids time management NOW

Teaching children time management is a process....and when they can't even read a clock it can get really difficult. That's why I'm dedicating this newsletter to 3 simple ways to use calendars to build time management.

πŸ“£ teach your kids time management NOW
Photo by Eric Rothermel / Unsplash
"...and time goes by so slowly, and time can do so much" Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers

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Teaching children time management is a process....and when they can't even read a clock it can get really difficult. That's why I'm dedicating this newsletter to 3 simple ways to use calendars to build time management.

  1. Start Small: Children cannot handle looking at a full month. Use a large planner or print a weekly calendar like the one picture below. Work together to label schools days, home days, and any other weekly patterns like soccer practice. Over time you can expand to two weeks and a whole month.
  2. Make it meaningful: Make a special time of day to go over it. Have a discussion about what happened yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Let your kiddo cross off each day. Pick a time that makes sense (yes the evening is fine). Put events on the calendar together and color code them or use stickers.
  3. Anticipate and Explain: Now that you've built a calendar routine you can use it to explain why/how to manage their time. This is an excellent time to talk through how important it is to pack their soccer jersey in the backpack because it's a tight turnaround between school and practice. You can show them that they really need to finish their project by Monday because on Tuesday there won't be time. And with a little luck, things may go more smoothly as you they manage their schedule.

...keep an eye out on my instagram and tiktok this week for more tips on using a calendar with your kiddos!

Start with a weekly view. As your child gets used to it you can show the whole month.

Some Announcements:

  • Choosing the BEST School: My FREE course on choosing the BEST School for your child is live. This course is for parents looking to enroll their child in elementary school. Since you're on my email list you're the first to get access to it!
  • psst- you can also share this special link with a friend 😊
  • ​5 simple, sweet, and cheap Valentine's Day Gifts: Check out my newest video with great gift ideas. My favorite is #4 πŸ”

Check this out:

  • Groundhog Day: This Thursday 2/2/23 marks one of my favorite goofy holidays- Groundhog Day. Check out their official site to catch the livestream and share fun facts with your kiddos.
  • Call someone you love: This past weekend my husband and I flew to Bloomington, Indiana to visit my grandparents. It was a really special trip. I'm grateful I can make more trips like that and can't wait for the next. If you've got a second- send some love to your person that's far away today. πŸ’•

Til next week,
