📖 they banned that??

It's banned book week!

📖 they banned that??
Photo by Geoff Oliver / Unsplash
"And the first one said to the second one there, I hope you're having fun, band on the run"

Band on the Run by Paul McCartney and Wings

Get it...banned, band?? Ok enough puns- I want to say hello to my 15 new subscribers. I'm so happy you're here 👏👏👏

...and a very happy ​Mean Girls Day​ to those who celebrate! My birthday is October 3- I'm thrilled to share it with such a fun holiday 🎉

Banned Book Week

I also share my birthday with ​Banned Book Week.​ According to the American Library Association, "Banned Books Week celebrates the freedom to read and spotlights current and historical attempts to censor books in libraries and schools."

In short, just because you don't like something, doesn't mean it should be banned from everyone.

We need to provide children a safe place to learn. I would much rather a child learn about their changing body from an illustrated textbook than a slapstick youtube video. I would much rather a child learn about inclusivity in a thoughtful book than hearing rude jokes at school.

Books provide an opportunity for children to safely learn about the world they are maturing into. It gives parents reading along an opportunity to answer questions. And since they are not nearly as visual as other media, a chance for a child to naively read and let certain content go right over their head.

In my newest video, my friend Amanda picked out 5 banned books and asked me to guess why they are banned. It's a ​fun game style video​ that will really open your eyes to the ridiculous reasons why people want books banned.

What's New?

🤳 Livestream: This Saturday Oct 7 at 10am eastern I will be hosting my second ​livestream:​ Ask a Teacher Q&A with Primary Focus. I need your help! Do you have a question? Respond to this email! It could be a question about my opinion as a teacher, how to help your child, or even just about me.

😱 I need your stories: on Sat 10/28 I'll be releasing a video about class parties. It's tips for room parents trying to host a holiday party and all the things NOT to do. It will be a tongue in cheek video filled with fails from over the years. I want to hear from you- have you fumbled at a class party? I may feature your answer in my video.

For example: One year I had the kids do a craft the day before winter break. I didn't consider how long glue takes to dry, so as we rushed out the door at the end of the day all their projects were falling apart. It was a disaster!

☠️ Spooky, but make it cute: I love The Mint's Halloween collection. I got this ​dancing skeleton shirt ​to rock with jeans and leggings this October. They have so many ​cute spooky outfits.​

🚿 Best face wash: It's called "The Cult Classic" for a reason! I've been using ​this face wash​ for years. It melts away makeup without drying out my skin. I've tried so many face washes, but I always come back to this one.

📚 Easy Reading: To celebrate banned book week, why not read a few banned adult favs? I'm not going to give you a commission code for this. Instead, go to your favorite ​locally owned bookstore​.

Wishing you a wonderful week!