What's Up?

Back to school time was a season I was dreading...

What's Up?
Photo by Sean Oulashin / Unsplash
"I got my head out the sunroof " Sunroof by Nicky Youre and dazy

I've been having fun: Back to school time was a season I was dreading, but really I've been great. I miss my old colleagues and I miss the kids, but I've felt so good with my decision. For the first time in a long time, my mind is at ease. I'm working hard on building Primary Focus, but when the day is done I shut my laptop and move on. When I was teaching, I never had a weekend without at least a few things to do, so having a liberated mind has been incredible.

But what do you do now? I'm working on my elevator pitch; it's not as streamlined as saying "teacher" but in a few words, I am a content creator. You'll be seeing a lot more of me on YouTube and social media. I've been able to expand to create products to sell to educators on Teachers Pay Teachers, launch this newsletter, and start publishing articles. When I was in grad school at Johns Hopkins much of my work was on parent outreach- I'm really excited to repurpose my work there to reach far beyond my classroom.

Next week I'm starting a new series: For a few weeks my newsletter will be focusing on productive homework time! If you know a family that's got the homework blues, encourage them to sign up for this newsletter. Send them this link.

See you next week!

Yours in education,
