When it comes to kindergarten, Independence is everything

Independence is not a natural thing, the good news is that it's not rocket science to teach it. Here are 3 simple ways to build independence at home...

When it comes to kindergarten, Independence is everything
Photo by MichaΕ‚ Parzuchowski / Unsplash

Independence is one of the most important skills a child can have when entering kindergarten.

The transition from 1:1 attention they can get at home to fighting for your hand to get called on in class can be really hard for kids.

Here are 3 ways to build independence at home:

  1. Show your child common ways to solve problems. For example, if they lose their coat, practice searching for it in 2-3 obvious places it could be
  2. Managing their materials (more) independently. Pick an item your child is in charge of, like their water bottle, and hold them accountable for it.
  3. Independent play time is one of the most valuable (and hopefully easy!) methods. The more your child knows how to entertain themselves the easier transition they will have to independent time in school.