Newsletter Are we ready for a FEMALE president? How to frame the conversations around the presidential election and gender.
Videos Banned Books: UNBELIEVABLE. Teacher Reacts | Banned Book Week 2024, Moms for Liberty & Florida Natalie plays a game to find out why 5 popular children's books were banned in United States schools during the 2023-24 school year.
Newsletter 3 Lessons I Learned from my First Course How was teaching an online course different from my experience teaching in schools? Here are three things I learned from the experience...
Newsletter I Apologize... You Are Doing Enough Feeling guilty about summer learning loss? You are probably doing enough. But if you want to keep learning, just do this 1 easy tip...
Newsletter Summer Time Dysregulation As a parent, how do you support your child's regular school-year routine while navigating summer fun? The answer may surprise you...
Newsletter Use it or Lose it! Prevent Summer Learning Loss The same way you may prune a plant, a child's brain prunes synapses that it is not using (synaptic pruning). Learn to prevent summer learning loss with these easy tips!
Newsletter Routines to Prepare your Child for Middle School So, you have a rising middle schooler? Whether your child is starting middle school now, or in a few years. Here are some things to consider...
Newsletter Reflection: 2 Years Since I Quit Teaching ❤️🩹 My first year out of the classroom was for healing 🪴 My second year was for growing
Videos 5 Academic Hacks for Preschoolers Do you have a rising kindergartner? Make sure they know these things!
Newsletter When it comes to kindergarten, Independence is everything Independence is not a natural thing, the good news is that it's not rocket science to teach it. Here are 3 simple ways to build independence at home...
Videos 5 MISTAKES Parents Make Before their Child goes to Kindergarten: Social Emotional Learning When people think of social emotional learning, they often think of good manners and sharing, but it is so much more than that! Natalie breaks down 5 common skills that are missed.
Newsletter Do Kids HAVE to go to preschool? People ask me, should I send my child to preschool? Preschool can be a great experience for children, but it's not a viable option for all families.
Newsletter What's Summer Learning Loss? This is a time of year teachers dread: summer break. Over the course of 2 months, children can lose up to 6 months of learning. This is called summer learning loss aka summer slide.
Videos May Livestream Natalie, 10 year teacher and founder of Primary Focus: The Parent’s Guide to Elementary School answers your questions.
Newsletter My child failed a test we thought they'd ace I had an interesting conversation with a parent the other day. Their first grader was doing well in school all year, no signs for concern. Two weeks ago, they took their NWEA/ MAPs test and BOMBED IT.
Videos End of Year Summer Teacher Gift Guide: DIY Card, Easy Gift Ideas | Can you give a teacher alcohol? Natalie shares easy and thoughtful teacher gift ideas for the end of the school year. Appreciate your favorite teacher with an easy DIY Card, a Summer Road Trip Kit great for the class gift from all parents, unique gift ideas, and budget gifts.
Newsletter 😴 Do kids still NAP in kindergarten? Kindergarten is much more rigorous than it was when we were kids. Once upon a time, kids went to half day kindergarten and it looked a lot more like preschool...but has everything changed?
Videos Teacher Reacts: State Tests RUINED school for children | The Problem with Standardized Testing The pressure of standardized testing on elementary school students has gone to an extreme. We are testing for the sake of testing which is leaving young children too anxious to go to school. Natalie gives advice to parents on how they can support their children without pressuring them.
Videos Interview with ADHDDude Ryan Does My Child Have ADHD? Diagnosing and Best ADHD Treatment for Kids Natalie interviews ADHDDude Ryan Wexelblatt on the best ways to diagnose, treat, and support child with ADHD in elementary school. This is a great guide for parents wondering if your child has ADHD or if you're always looking for the top treatments and ways to support your child.
Newsletter Easy Tip: Stop your child from procrastinating during homework 🕵️♂️ Some children are so good at avoiding homework, they could be secret agents. There's one technique that could change their tune about this...
Videos Bus Driver Appreciation Gift Guide $0 $5 $10 | School Bus Driver Card Ideas, Easy Crafts, Cute Gifts Great gifts to appreciate School Bus Drivers!
Newsletter 🤯 2 hours of homework?? Homework has always been a controversial topic. But when it comes to homework policies, it feels like parents get left out of the conversation. So what should you do when it's all too much?
Videos My HONEST review of the SOLAR ECLIPSE: was it WORTH IT?| April 8 2024 Eclipse Vlog Natalie went to the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse…but is it worth the hype? She gives her full review of the experience to see if it’s worth your money to see The Eclipse live. Review is broken down into planning/organization, educational experience, and personal experience
Newsletter Target Circle Week Picks: Spring Fashion, Sandals, Patterned Rugs, and Skincare Target Circle Week starts Sunday April 7-13. They are not paying with these mark downs! Here are my top picks for the sale starting with women's spring fashion, women's sandals, cute rugs, and skincare.
Videos Question for the Teacher | April Livestream Natalie hosts a livestream answering questions about preparing your child for kindergarten, teaching your child to write, and writing the perfect email to a teacher.