3 books all rising kindergarten students should read
Is you child going to kindergarten? These are perfect books to prepare your child for kindergarten so they walk in feeling confident! Including one for homeschooling!
Is you child going to kindergarten? These are perfect books to prepare your child for kindergarten so they walk in feeling confident!
These are classics I read to all my kindergarten students in the first few weeks of school. They helped children sort through their emotions and feel excited to learn. These books will also facilitate important conversations to prepare your child for school.
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#1 How do Dinosaurs go to School? by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague

This classic book is written so that your child will participate as you read it aloud. Written mostly in questions, it asks the reader about ways dinosaurs would behave in school. It's a great way to walk your child through their first day of school and discuss common rules and procedures they will learn.
"How does a dinosaur go to school? Does he walk? Does he ride in a busy car pool?...Is he late for the bus?...Does he make a big fuss?"
Get your copy of How Do Dinosaurs go to School?
#2 David Goes to School by David Shannon

The second book in the David series we learn what happens when the ultimate bad boy goes to school. David's choices let children explore poor decision making without actually acting like him.
This book is a favorite with kindergarteners for a few reasons: the drawings feel like a child drew them, it is humorous and so relatable to children this age, and it is easy to read.
Yes, easy to read! After a few times hearing David Goes to School, your child may pick is up and start "reading" it on their own. Did you know one of the prerequisites of reading is pretending to read? This book is packed with sight words, so at some point they may look at the text in shock that they really can read it!
Get your copy of David Goes to School.
#3 The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss

An oldie, but a goodie! This classic picture book, first published in 1945, has never gone out of print.
This is a great story for all young learners, especially those doing kindergarten homeschool or alternative learning!
This is the story of a boy trying to grow a carrot. He feels impatient waiting for it to sprout, but everyone in his life encourages him to cares for it and be patient.
This is a great metaphor for learning. Children this age often feel frustrated at how long it takes to learn. It's common for kindergartners to expect after a day or two of school to be reading chapter books. The Carrot Seed is a great way to discuss how your child is growing and learning a little bit every day.
Get your copy of The Carrot Seed.