Videos Should you leave teaching? Watch this before you quit Are you thinking about leaving teaching? Do you want to quit teaching? Is it time to leave the classroom? Natalie walks through the thought process and research she did before she took the leap to leaving teaching. She shouts back at the doubts in your mind and the most common
Newsletter Stop paying for apps- the best free sites for kids! Let's talk tech. The market is FLOODED with learning games for children. That's why I did the work for you.
Newsletter Are schools a worthy investment? Over the past few weeks I followed the funding in public schools. Here's a few conclusions I drew while researching.
Newsletter Pros and Cons of Private School Vouchers School Voucher programs have been quietly dominating the United States. I'm going to break down the pros and cons for you so you can form your own opinion.
Newsletter NC's Education Lottery: not a win for kids Profits from the lottery program (scratch off tickets, power ball etc) are supposed to be bonus funding for the school's education budget. But that's not happening in North Carolina...
Newsletter What is going on with North Carolina's student funding? How fair is school funding in your state?
How to talk to your child’s teacher without feeling like a helicopter mom This article was originally published in the Peanut App. It was written to an audience of mothers, but the advice to true no matter how you identify. There’s a relationship that is important to work on: it’s kind of professional and kind of personal, making the lines blurry
Newsletter 📣 teach your kids time management NOW Teaching children time management is a process....and when they can't even read a clock it can get really difficult. That's why I'm dedicating this newsletter to 3 simple ways to use calendars to build time management.
Newsletter 💵 How do teachers get paid? I've been so immersed in the world of education, I didn't realize there was a common question on people's minds.
Newsletter Shhh...don't talk so much Learning to think critically and communicate takes time and lots of practice. When working with kids, we have to give them time and space to think and talk out loud.
Newsletter I'm so mad and you should be too Last Friday, elementary school teacher Abby Zwerner was intentionally shot by her six year old student while teaching a lesson. I can only imagine the amount of warning signs this child gave leading up to this and the amount of system failures that allowed this to happen.
Newsletter 🎁 For the Last Minute Shoppers This month, has been a whirlwind of holiday preparations and celebrations for me.
Newsletter Remembering Sandy Hook This week, I want to take some time to remember and mourn the lives lost at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Videos The summer I quit teaching: How I went from devastated to elated This vlog covers my journey from the last day of school to the first day of school the summer I quit teaching. It follows my journey as I reflect on how my life is changing as I come down from 10 years in the classroom. If everything in your life
Newsletter Growth Mindset #3: The power of yet When you have a growth mindset, you don't fixate on what you can't do. You focus on what you're working toward.
Newsletter Growth Mindset #2: What to say when... So why is developing a growth mindset so important for kids?
Newsletter Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset #1 Over the next few weeks I will be writing about Growth Mindset and how important it is for children to develop one.
Newsletter I went to a conference in a male dominated field: here's what I learned This was my first conference in a male dominated field and outside of education; I learned that these professionals act very differently than what I am used to.
Newsletter This will get you dancing 🕺 I've got 3 things to share with you today- let's start with the fun one
Newsletter I didn't think this would happen only 5 months out of the classroom I've been doing some consulting lately. It's been interesting to work with a client to translate what they want into a product.