Newsletter 🎁 For the Last Minute Shoppers This month, has been a whirlwind of holiday preparations and celebrations for me.
Newsletter Remembering Sandy Hook This week, I want to take some time to remember and mourn the lives lost at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
The summer I quit teaching: How I went from devastated to elated This vlog covers my journey from the last day of school to the first day of school the summer I quit teaching. It follows my journey as I reflect on how my life is changing as I come down from 10 years in the classroom. If everything in your life
Newsletter Growth Mindset #3: The power of yet When you have a growth mindset, you don't fixate on what you can't do. You focus on what you're working toward.
Newsletter Growth Mindset #2: What to say when... So why is developing a growth mindset so important for kids?
Newsletter Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset #1 Over the next few weeks I will be writing about Growth Mindset and how important it is for children to develop one.
Newsletter I went to a conference in a male dominated field: here's what I learned This was my first conference in a male dominated field and outside of education; I learned that these professionals act very differently than what I am used to.
Newsletter This will get you dancing 🕺 I've got 3 things to share with you today- let's start with the fun one
Newsletter I didn't think this would happen only 5 months out of the classroom I've been doing some consulting lately. It's been interesting to work with a client to translate what they want into a product.
Newsletter My last week teaching after 10 years Sharing my story has been an important part of the videos I make for Primary Focus. Today I am releasing my vlog on my last few weeks teaching.
Newsletter 3 Reasons Why Teachers Don't Need Merit Pay Merit Pay has been a looming controversy for North Carolina teachers. It's been proposed before, but now state superintendent Catherine Truitt has been pushing this as a way to overhaul the way teachers are paid in North Carolina.
Newsletter Just get to work! One of the biggest issues families face in homework time is whining. This can turn a simple 10 minute routine into 45 minutes of fighting and 2 excedrin 😤.
Newsletter Struggling with homework? Read this! It takes a lot of patience to sit next to a child after a long day and encourage them to independently complete something you could do in 30 seconds. I'm going to give you a few simple tips to keep your child on task and model study skills they will need for college and beyond.
Banned Children's Books - The ridiculous reason these books were banned Miss Natalie is reviewing famously banned (almost banned) books this week. In this video she reviews classics Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak and Sylvester and the Magic Pebble by William Steig- why was it banned? and will it really cause society to fall apart? Miss Natalie gives
Newsletter Why ban books when you could ban homework? When I taught, I personally hated assigning homework, but I can't say all teachers feel the same. In fact, homework is a huge controversy in schools and each one I taught at had a different policy.
Banned Book Review: Hop on Pop, by Dr. Seuss Miss Natalie is reviewing famously banned (almost banned) books this week. We'll start off with a review of Dr. Seuss's famous "Hop on Pop" - why was it banned, and will it really cause society to fall apart? Miss Natalie gives her perspective. (Natalie
I met Vivo the Kinkajou! Well, kind of... Watch Miss Natalie meet the cutest animal around- a kinkajou (honeybear) and realize what a rascal she is! See if she can stay composed as it crawls all over her. Learn a few things and have a laugh at this silly animal. Kinkajous were featured in the Netflix movie Vivo!
Newsletter What we should do about low test scores Test scores for kids (specifically 9 year olds) dropped to their lowest levels in decades.
Cute newborn piglets! All about piglets and pigs Today Miss Natalie is at A Zoo 2 You! They are a mobile petting zoo company, they will set up a petting zoo near you. After meeting piglets at a birthday party, she reached out to meet them. There were 4 day old newborn piglets and 4 month old adult
Newsletter Click here for baby animals! 🐷 🦙 🐮 I've been having some fun. In July I went to A Zoo 2 You in Monroe, NC to meet their animals.
Videos All the baby farm animals! Today Miss Natalie is at A Zoo 2 You! They are a mobile petting zoo company, they will set up a petting zoo near you. Miss Natalie went to the farm to see where these cute animals live. She saw baby goats, emus, a baby babydoll sheep, a baby alpaca,