Newsletter What we should do about low test scores Test scores for kids (specifically 9 year olds) dropped to their lowest levels in decades.
Newsletter Click here for baby animals! 🐷 🦙 🐮 I've been having some fun. In July I went to A Zoo 2 You in Monroe, NC to meet their animals.
Newsletter Published 😊 I published an article! Since I was in grad school it's been a goal to publish an article on education.
Newsletter Ain't no hollaback girl 🍌 phonics #5 Phonics is hard work to teach, but as your child's skills grow, it can actually be really fun.
Newsletter ...but why is it spelled like that? phonics #4 Teaching a child to spell starts off simple (cat, dog, etc.), but quickly gets challenging
Newsletter a, e, i, o, u and sometimes... phonics #3 These five little letters a, e, i, o, u may seem straight forward, they often take the longest time to teach and learn.
Newsletter What are Letter Boxes? Phonics series #2 With a little nudge, any new speller can sound out the word pen ✍️ Elkonin Letter Boxes are a tool used to spell CVC words (consonant vowel consonant). They are a tool used to break down the sounds in a word.
Newsletter Let's talk phonics... #1 Over the next 5 weeks I'll share a series on phonics- here's the first one. Phonics simply means the method used to teach reading and writing. It's for languages with an alphabet- like English and it's not for the faint of heart.
Newsletter A new beginning I resigned: Until recently, I thought I would teach for my entire career. I felt sad and defeated as I packed up my classroom, but I knew "it's about damn time."
Newsletter No more negotiating! As the adults in the room, we are the ones who have to teach kids when to stop trying and accept no for an answer.
Newsletter Summer Slide During those hot summer days, all your child's progress this year could be drifting away